Faculty Profile

Name Dr. Soumyajit Saha
Department PHYSICS
Mobile 9498052953
Email soumyajit147@gmail.com

I graduated with a Ph. D. degree from IIT Madras in the year 2019. During my Ph. D. programme, I worked under the joint guidance of Dr. Pranawa C. Deshmukh and Dr. G. Aravind. The title of my Ph. D. thesis is ‘Wigner time delay studies in photoionization and photodetachment of atomic systems’. I have been working in the field of theoretical atomic and molecular physics since I was an M. Sc. student. My research interests mostly include photoionization/photodetachment and collisionphysics. Currently I am working in attosecond physics. I have contributed to several papers published in peer reviewed journals and in conference proceedings. Beyond my research experience I always have a keen interest in teaching. Having had a long passion for academics, I worked as a teaching assistant during my Ph. D. programme for various theoretical and practical courses which include atomic physics, electrodynamics, B. Tech laboratory, M. Sc. laboratory (both general physics and electronics) etc.. I worked on time resolved photoionization studies during my first postdoctoral work at Stockholm University in Sweden. Our theory mimicked the experiments. Our studies focused on different sources of anisotropy in a photoionization process where pump-probe technique is used. We further investigated the effects of resonances and correlations in ionization dynamics. Following that I worked at Drake University in the state of IOWA in US as a research associate. I worked with B-Spline R-Matrix package for charged-particle and photon collisions with atoms. I am still working on a few different projects that include high harmonic generation and studies of RABBITT (reconstruction of attosecond beating by interference of two-photon transitions) spectra and ionization delays in collaboration with Drake University.

Academic Interest

I have a huge passion for teaching. And it is very invigorating for me. Given my background, I am effective in teaching the physics courses at the undergraduate postgraduate level. I have been working in the field of theoretical atomic and molecular physics. My research interests focus on photoionization/photodetachment, collision physics, and attosecond science.

VIDWAN Profile

Educational Qualification(In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)

Qualification (In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)College / UniversityYearSubject (s) / Topic (s)TESTIMONIALSpecializationCertificate Date
Ph.D.IIT Madras2019Physics DOWNLOADAtomic Physics2019-09-30
Post GraduationIIT Madras2013Physics DOWNLOADPhysics2013-07-19
GraduationUniversity of Calcutta2011Physics DOWNLOADPhysics2012-01-20