Faculty Profile

Name Mrs. Ananya Bhaumik
Designation SACT I
Mobile 8768225997
Email ananya.bhaumik2@gmail.com
Academic Interest
VIDWAN Profile

Educational Qualification(In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)

Qualification (In chronological order from latest to Graduation level)College / UniversityYearSubject (s) / Topic (s)TESTIMONIALSpecializationCertificate Date
Madhyamik 2010Bengali, English, Mathematics, Physical science, Life science, History, Geography, DOWNLOAD 2010-05-26
Higher Secondary 2012Bengali, English, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Bioscience DOWNLOAD 2012-06-04
GraduationMidnapore college2015Microbiology DOWNLOADMicrobiology2017-02-09
Post GraduationVidyasagar University2017Microbiology DOWNLOADPhenotypic characterization of AmpC Beta-Lactamase production in multidrug resistant uropathogenic Escherichia Coli isolated from hospitalized patient sample. 2018-03-08
SET 2020Life sciences DOWNLOAD 2020-07-31